
Archive for the ‘Principle Approach’ Category

I’ve been researching what approach I want to take with homeschooling our little girl. She’s just 3 1/2, so right now we’re simply focusing on reading to her, doing plenty of coloring time, sidewalk chalk, time at the piano tickling the ivories with Mommy, learning that A says “a” and B says “b.” She actually knows the sounds of all her letters now, except usually gets mixed up on Y. She likes to go through the Hooked on Phonics set we’re borrowing from our church.

I’m trying to decide what I like better: Classical Christian home education, the Principle Approach, or an amalgam of whatever I put together at low cost. Our home education budget is probably going to be low. Maybe I’ll just plan it myself using library books and used bookstore books and website helps.

Yesterday we attended a Classical Conversations meeting at the home of a homeschool mom nearby. It seems great in many ways, but it is tuition-based. I like how the weekly 3-hour meetings can provide some social time with other moms and kids, and motivation for what we do at home. Looking over their 2009 catalog, the materials seemed high quality in many ways.

I also have a catalog for the Principle Approach, also known as the Noah Plan. That was very impressive to me. I love how they focus on the Bible at the center of it all, and focus greatly on American history, heritage and literature. But how would I expand on that? I think it needs a lot of expansion. The plan is a framework designed for flexibility for the parents and child, though, I think. If I want to add material on Ancient Egypt, I can, no doubt.

I’ve also been influenced by Victoria Botkin’s CD (mp3, actually) message “Curriculum Advice,” available through Vision Forum. I loved every minute of her 2 talks. I admire the work she and her husband Geoffrey have done raising well-educated young men and women of character who are already having a good influence on other homeschoolers in this country and abroad. Mr and Mrs. Botkin don’t advocate any one approach. They designed their children’s education as they went along, uniquely for each child. In fact, Geoffrey Botkin told me himself that to homeschool well, all you need is a Bible, a pencil and paper, and a library card! Wow. And lots and lots of prayer, I would add!

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